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Posted by - November 22, 2015 0
SMS on your Raspberry Pi… Adapted from : This assumes you have set up your sim card, wired your…

There are 5 comments

    1. It is going well, and it is very fun, I am ahead of the documentation, done by me, anything past “They Blink” was put in for me to remember stuff, so I am currently on MMS, sending texts with images.

  1. It was very fun trying to make my own “Rasberry Pi”. Confusing at first then started to get the hang of it. Even though I did’nt get to finish making
    have to install a few things and then i will be able to bring it to my house.

  2. Hi Elijah,

    Folks back here at Explo Headquarters are very impressed with your good work on The Explo 6! We’ll keep checking in on your progress throughout the year. Keep going…

    1. thank you for the motivation i am back from explo thank you for the fun time at explo. I would like to do a review of the explo programs that i have done. I look forward to coming back next year for a focus and another 360 session.


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