Maker Faire Street Team

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Maker Faire 2016 takes place from October 01-02 in Queens, at the New York Hall of Science

My father and I have volunteered to be a part of the “Street Team.”

This means that we’re handing out and posting up information all over NYC to invite people to discover Maker Faire, “Maker Culture” and other Makers.

Below are links to the photos of our travels around Manhattan and Brooklyn to raise awareness and spread the word.

 1) Staples at Avenue Y in Brooklyn (2892 Ocean Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11235 • (718) 743-8238)

2) DiFara’s Pizza of Avenue J in Brooklyn – Now ranked #1 Nationally and in NYC (1424 Avenue J, Brooklyn, NY 11230 • (718) 258-1367)

3) Lilac Chocolates of Greenwich Village (162 Bleecker St, New York, NY 10012 • (212) 924-2280)

4) BareBurger LaGuardia Place – SEE MY REVIEW – (535 LaGuardia Pl, New York, NY 10012 • (212) 477-8125 •

5) Deno’s Wonder Wheel – the great Brooklyn ferris wheel.  Deno was a maker 100 years before makers were a thing. (3059 Denos Vourderis Place, Brooklyn, NY 11224 • (718) 372-2592)

6) Coney Island New York Museum & Freak Show (1208 Surf Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11224)

7) Williams Candy of Coney Island (1318 Surf Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11224 • (718) 372-0302)

8) Nathan’s Famous Coney Island (1310 Surf Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11224 • (718) 333-2202)

9) Ostrovitsky’s Bakery (1124 Ave J, Brooklyn, NY 11230) • (718) 951-7924

10) Citibank of Ave J (1220 Avenue J, Brooklyn, NY 11230)

11) M&D’s Kitchen (1012 East 15th Street unit A, Brooklyn, NY 11230) • (917) 789-9556

12) Headquarters “Hillary For President, Hillary For America Volunteers” (300 Cadman Plz W Brooklyn, New York 11201)

13) Tinkersphere (304 E 5th St, New York, NY 10003) • (646) 449-8581

14) 3 Washington Square Village, NY NY 10012 • NYU Housing in the heart of Greenwich Village NYC.


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